Monday, December 30, 2019

How Copyright Law Was Established, And How The...

Nowadays, most of American institutions require the students to sign the plagiarism form before attending the class in order to prevent their students from taking somebody’s work without giving credits. I believe intellectual laws are as important as any other law because it defines the ethical aspect of the three core values of the United States of America liberty, freedom and democracy. Copyright law is an intellectual law that grants ownership to the author and protects the author from copyright infringement. This paper will discuss how copyright law was established, and how the establishment influences advertising. I begin by examining the history of copyright before it became a constitutional law. I will also explain why the copyright is protected under the First Amendment. After that, I will interpret some significant copyright acts that had been established since it first started, but my main focus will be on the role of ‘fair use’ in the Copyright Act of 1976, which set up the primary basis for the copyright laws in the United States. The investigation will demonstrate how ‘fair use’ relates to copyright matters in advertising, or â€Å"commercial speech†. The conclusion will emphasize the significance of ‘fair use’ in advertising. The copyright law in America originated in the fifteenth century after England introduced the use of the printing press. Due to the growth in the number of printing presses, the authorities began to seek the control of the publication ofShow MoreRelatedThe Problems Of Intellectual Property Rights2654 Words   |  11 Pagesmeasure what is the current state of the world’s counterfeit goods market, why people violate the IPR protection and produce counterfeit goods, what is the problem of IPR law enforcements and how violating law and producing counterfeit goods in China influence the world. Introduction Both economically and socially, influence of China is substantial. Economic and social status of China is firm that it can not be oversighted. However, intellectual property rights have been rising issues in ChinaRead Morenot available3379 Words   |  14 Pagesability to list products for potential buyers are _____ sites. a. Internet b. C2B c. B2C d. B2B REF: p. 281 32. In the B2B model, the customers are a. businesses. b. other consumers. c. franchisees. d. auction participants. REF: p. 278 34. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Birth Control Movement Essay example - 1442 Words

The Progressive Era was a period of social and political reform beginning in the post Gilded Age 19th century and lasting through WWI. Industrial and urban growth of early 19th century America while representative of opportunity and future advancement simultaneously posed many difficulties for working class citizens. Prior concerns over the conditions of working class citizens were multiplied and magnified by overpopulated and impoverished urban communities. During this era many new Progressive agendas were introduced with the goal of reforming dated and unregulated policies, the most prominent of these, the birth control movement. The documents from chapter six of Constructing the American Past show that at its core, the birth control†¦show more content†¦In document three from The Case for Birth Control Sanger’s rhetoric changes, relying on facts, statistics, and knowledge based reasoning. Document three proves to be a much more reliable and comprehensive argum ent than document one. Sanger advocates small families for the working class as a means to eliminate poverty (due to large families), illegal abortions, child labor, and to protect the health of women â€Å"from overwork and the strain of too frequent child bearing† (6, 3,124) The argument shifts from a pseudo-socialist agenda to simply the right of a woman to control her own body and choose her own destiny. Following the release of The Woman Rebel, Anthony Comstock spearheaded an anti-birth control campaign with the aid of the Society for the Suppression of Vice, â€Å"vice† as Comstock described it â€Å"intemperance, gambling, and evil reading†(6,1,122). Document 2 is an interview with Comstock by Mary Alden Hopkins of Harper’s Weekly on the issue of birth control and the laws against its distribution and publication. Comstock approaches the birth control issue as a religious zealot, arguing that it is the moral and spiritual obligation of the peopl e to stray from â€Å"vice† and practice abstinence as the only means of family planning. Comstock’s conservative rhetoric appealed to the â€Å"Victorian† era principles of â€Å"self-control† and moral fortitude. Moreover, Comstock employs the ideology of â€Å"rule by fear,† byShow MoreRelatedBirth Control Movement : Margaret Sanger1980 Words   |  8 PagesThe birth control movement was created in early 20th century by Progressive and Socialist reformers like Margaret Sanger. She and other birth control activists would fight for women’s access to birth control through the 20th century which has gone on to affect American women today. In order to analyze the affect that birth control has had on America, it is necessary to look at the works of Margaret Sanger and the birth control movement of the progressive era. A good primary source with informationRead MoreMargaret Sanger And The Birth Control Movement Highlighted1187 Words   |   5 PagesMargaret Sanger and the Birth Control Movement highlighted a variety of important issues. These issues include women’s right to make decisions privately versus the right of a community to regulate moral behavior; the ethnic demographics of the American people; the ability of women to control their own physical destinies by limiting family size; and the idea that small families were the way to keep the American dream alive. The debate over birth control spoke to personal and political issues, whichRead MoreThe African American Community and the Birth Control Movement921 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿The African American Community and the Birth Control Movement (Order #A2087166) Racism has been a part of America for a very long time and one that has seeped into almost every part of American society. In fact, scientific studies and beliefs have, for a large part of the 20th century, been infused with an underlying racism that has tainted them. For instance, in the years from the 1880s to the mid 1940s, the African American fertility rate, or the rate at which African Americans were producingRead MoreMargaret Sanger s The First Birth Control Movement1288 Words   |  6 Pagesin a important way. Margaret Sanger was known for leading the birth control movement. She financed the research needed to develop â€Å"the pill†, an easy form of birth control that women could take themselves. She also founded the Planned Parenthood Federation Of America continuing her legacy of authoritative work to allow parenthood and birth control to be much easier. Margaret Sanger left a legacy of leading the birth control movement. Margaret Sanger was born on September 14th, 1879 to Anne PurcellRead MoreA Political Factor That Influenced Sanger s Birth Control Movement1223 Words   |  5 PagesA political factor that influenced Sanger during her birth control movement was the Comstock Laws. Comstock Laws were put in place by Anthony Comstock, a congressman who wanted to put a ban on spreading pornography through the U.S mail (Wardell, 1980, pg. 738). He soon broadened what the Comstock laws covered, to make it illegal to ship anything through the mail that had to do with contraceptives, even information. This was a constant battle for Sanger and she was arrested many times throughout herRead MoreMargaret Sanger, An American Nurse, Pioneered The Modern Birth Control Movement1159 Words   |  5 PagesMargaret Sanger, an American nurse, pioneered the modern birth control movement in the United States. She began her movement in 1912, with the publication of information about women s reproductive concerns through magazine articles, pamphlets, and several books. In 1914, Margaret Sanger was charged with violating the Comstock Law, a federal legislation prohibiting the mailing of obscene material including information about birth control and contraceptive devices. Despite being imprisoned for herRead MoreMandated Coverage For Birth Control On Health Insurance Plans957 Words   |  4 Pages2014 there was a heated debate on whether there should be a mandated coverage for birth control on health insurance plans. According to a survey by the University of Michigan Health System, 69% of adults in the United States support this requirement in health insurance plans and the people who oppose this requirement is less than 10%. There have been other laws made by states recently that are affecting birth control and abortions. For example, a regulation implemented by the Iowa Board of MedicineRead MorePros And Cons Of Birth Control1442 Words   |  6 PagesEven though birth control issues remain as a controversial topic from the early 18th century to now, the debate between Margaret Sanger and Winter Russel on the pros and cons of providing information about birth control strategies for the public was a foundation stone for today’s family planning policies and regulation of transmission of venereal disease in the United States of America. It is important to note that although in 1920 information about birth control strategies were banned from reachingRead MoreEugenics and Planned Parenthood Essay1405 Words   |  6 PagesMargaret Sanger’s feminist, contraceptive movement was not originally founded with this purpose. It was marketed as a way to control the population and be merciful to those yet to be born, again determined also by race and intelligence. The similarities in purpose actually brought the two organizations together to form a â€Å"liberating movement† to â€Å"aid women† known today as Planned Parenthood (Schweikart and Allen 529-532). The name may sound harmless, but the movement hid a darker purpose, to wean out theRead MoreAnalysis Of The Right To Ones Body By Margaret Sanger911 Words   |  4 Pagesdescribed by, was â€Å"†¦ an early feminist and women’s rights activist who coined the term ‘birth control’ and worked towards its legalization† (â€Å"Margaret Sanger†). Margret was also responsible for the creation of the first planned parenthood center, and later was a founding member of the International Planned Parenthood Federation. Margret most notably belonged to the birth control movement, as she was a nurse working with women who were directly affected by the lack of child care options

Friday, December 13, 2019

Database Free Essays

DBDC11D| Database concepts| Assignment 1| | Robyn Wright| 3/27/2013| | Contents Introduction2 Task 13 1. 1Definition of database management system3 1. 25 Advantages of database management system3 1. We will write a custom essay sample on Database or any similar topic only for you Order Now 33 Business functions database management system could do3 1. 45 database management system packages3 1. 510 Factors when choosing a database management system3 Task 25 2. 1Create a database if it does not yet exist5 2. 2Show if the database has been created5 2. 3Use a specific database5 2. 4Delete a database5 2. 5Create a table with columns5 2. Insert information into a table5 2. 7Extract certain information from a table6 Task 37 3. 1The eight stages of the database design process7 Conclusion9 Reference List10 Introduction A database is a group of information that is stored in a computerised way for easy access, organization and reupdating http://searchsqlserver. techtarget. com/definition/database (2013). Databases can be used in many different ways and in many different companies. In this assignment we see how a database can fit into a law firm. Task 1 1. 1Definition of database management system Software that allows a computer to perform database functions of storing, retrieving, adding, deleting and modifying data (Mike Chappel, 2012). 1. 25 Advantages of database management system 1. Minimized data inconsistency – In a properly designed database, the chance of finding inconsistency within the data becomes very slim. 2. Less redundancy – Inside the database, the data is only recorded in one part of the database. This reduces the amount of redundancies (or copies) of the data as well as save storage space http://navdeep19. blogspot. om/2012/04/advantages-and-disadvantages-of. html (2012). 3. Backup and Recovery Procedures – The data is backed up regularly to protect the data from being lost due to power failures, lightning etc. 4. Security – Will only allow people who are authorized to get access to the data as well as update and retrieve data. This minimizes the chance of data getting to people who are unauthorized access the data http://www. myr eadingroom. co. in/home/226. html (2013). 5. Sharing – If people have authorization, they can access the information from other locations. Database Management System and Data iframe class="wp-embedded-content" sandbox="allow-scripts" security="restricted" style="position: absolute; clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);" src="" data-secret="Awj7HeG5ET" width="500" height="282" title="#8220;Database Management System and Data#8221; #8212; Free Essays -" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"/iframe Many people can have access to the same set of data at the same time. The data can also be shared between certain programs. 1. 33 Business functions database management system could do 1. Show upcoming court cases 2. Retrieve case files faster 3. Search through the information to locate specific information, ex, searching for similar case 1. 45 database management system packages 1. Microsoft SQL server 2. MySQL 3. Oracle 4. Sybase 5. IMB Informix 1. 510 Factors when choosing a database management system 1. The price of the database 2. The features comply with what is needed . Supported programming language 4. The scalability of the database 5. The transportability of the database 6. Can it contain the information I need to use it for 7. Does it work on the operating system used in the company 8. The platform and the database comply with each other 9. It performs well, is not known to have many, to no problems 10. Decide on the type of database that is needed Task 2 2. 1Create a data base if it does not yet exist Create database if not exists bransonclientdb; 2. 2Show if the database has been created SHOW DATABASES LIKE ‘bransonclientdb’; . 3Use a specific database USE bransonclientdb; 2. 4Delete a database DROP DATABASE bransonclientdb; 2. 5Create a table with columns CREATE TABLE client (clientNumber int(11) not null, clientLastName varchar(45) not null, clientFirstName varchar(45) not null, Title varchar(5) not null, TellephoneNum varchar(10) not null, CellNum varchar(10) not null, primary key (clientNumber)); 2. 6Insert information into a table INSERT INTO client VALUES (‘001’,’Boehm’,’Barry’,’Mr’,’0123456789’,’0831235657’); 2. 7Extract certain information from a table SELECT * FROM overdue WHERE OutstandingAmount 1200 ORDER BY clientFirstName; Task 3 3. 1The eight stages of the database design process Step 1: Purpose of the database This is where the information/ data for the database is found. We locate the information as well as decide on the database type, what database to use. We would use the following item to help in this step: Business rules (to understand what the table names could be). Example of information found in this step would be: using MySQL, the model structure, planning for the next steps Step 2: Data information This is the step where all the information is organized. We organize it into required information and not required, into names, surnames, ID number – this is to get column names for our tables. Note that nothing has been created yet. Example of information found in this step: client_ID; client_first_name; client_last_name. Step 3: Table sorting and structure This is the step where we begin to create a database. We start creating entities and table structures. This is the base, or foundation of the database, nothing can exist without it. Examples of what is found in it: a table named court_dates, or a table named client_lists Step 4: Columns and records In this step we input at the information into the tables. We firstly enter all the relevant fields or columns and then we enter the information into the relevant fields. What can be found: a table Step 5: Primary Keys This step, is where we, inside the table define which column will become the primary key for the table. Here is an example of a statement setting a primary key (red block) The primary key helps to identify rows Dr. Croft, N. (2013). An example of a primary key is: clinet_id Step 6: Relationships In this step, we define how tables are related to each other. If it is a one to one, one to many or a many to many. It is a way to define what data in one table is related to in other tables. Example would be a one to many. Step 7: Design Revisions We check for any design flaws in this step, add foreign keys and add adjustements to the design where needed. Example: Adding foreign keys Step 8: Normalization In the last and final step we check for errors in our tables, we make sure they are structured correctly and are removed of all redundant behaviour. Conclusion In this assignment I have learnt how to navigate the basics of MySQL. I learnt how to add information and select information from a database. I learnt about the reasoning behind creating a database and why it is a better choice than that of a paper based nature. Reference List Administrator (2013)Â  Advantages and disadvantages of DBMS. [online] Available at: http://www. myreadingroom. co. in/home/226. html [Accessed: 23 Mar 2013]. Dr. Croft, N. (2013)Â  Database Design Concepts. Johannesburg : CTI Education Group. Navdeep19. blogspot. om (2012)Â  Excellence: Advantages and Disadvantages of Database Management System (DBMS). [online] Available at: http://navdeep19. blogspot. com/2012/04/advantages-and-disadvantages-of. html [Accessed: 23 Mar 2013]. Chapple, M. (2012)Â  Database Management System. [online] Available at: http://databases. about. com/od/administration/g/dbms. htm [Accessed: 19 Feb 2013] Searchsqlserver. techtarget. com (2013)Â  What is database? – Definition from WhatIs. com. [online] Available at: http://searchsqlserver. techtarget. com/definition/database [Accessed: 26 Mar 2013] How to cite Database, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

FCC vs Pacifica Broadcasting Foundation Essay Example For Students

FCC vs Pacifica Broadcasting Foundation Essay FCC vsPacifica Broadcasting FoundationIn 1978 a radio station owned by Pacifica Foundation Broadcasting outof New York City was doing a program on contemporary attitudes toward the useof language. This broadcast occurred on a mid-afternoon weekday. Immediatelybefore the broadcast the station announced a disclaimer telling listeners thatthe program would include sensitive language which might be regarded asoffensive to some.(Gunther, 1991) As a part of the program the stationdecided to air a 12 minute monologue called Filthy Words bycomedian George Carlin. The introduction of Carlins routineconsisted of, according to Carlin, words you couldnt say on the publicair waves.(Carlin, 1977) The introduction to Carlins monologue listedthose words and repeated them in a variety of colloquialisms: I was thinkingabout the curse words and the swear words, the cuss words and the words thatyou cant say, that youre not supposed to say all the time. I was thinking onenight about the words you couldnt say on the public, ah, airwaves, um, theones you definitely wouldnt say, ever. Bastard you can say, and hell and damnso I have to figure out which ones you couldnt and ever and it came down toseven but the list is open to amendment, and in fact, has been changed, uh, bynow. The original seven words were shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker,motherfucker, and tits. Those are the ones that will curve your spine, growhair on your hands and maybe, even bring us, God help us, peace without honor,and a bourbon. (Carlin, 1977) A man driving with his young son heard this broadcast and reported itto the Federal Communications Commission FCC. This broadcast of CarlinsFilthy Words monologue caused one of the greatest and mostcontroversial cases in the history of broadcasting: The FCC v. PacificaFoundation. The outcome of this case has had a lasting effect on what we hear onthe radio. This landmark case gave the FCC the power to regulate radiobroadcasts that are indecent but not obscene. (Gunther , 1991) What doesthat mean, exactly? According to the government it means that the FCC can onlyregulate broadcasts. They cannot censor broadcasts, meaning, the FCC has thepower to determine what is offensive in the matters of speech. Before this case occurred there were certain laws already in place thatprohibited obscenity over radio. One of these laws was the law ofnuisance. This law generally speaks to channeling behavior morethan actually prohibiting it.(Simones, 1995) The law in essence meantthat certain words depicting a sexual nature were limited to certain times ofthe day when children would not likely be exposed. There were no specific laws or surveillance by regulatory groups toassure that indecent and obscene material would not be broadcast. Broadcasterswere trusted to regulate themselves and what they broadcast suitable andcompliant material over the airwaves. Therefore, when the case of the FCC vs. Pacifica made its way to the Supreme Court it was a dangerous and controversialdecision for the Supreme Court to make. The ultimate question came down to,could the government regulate the freedom of speech? Carlins monologue was speech according to the first amendment. (Simones, 1995) Because of this, Pacifica argued, the first amendmentprohibits all governmental regulation that depends on the content ofspeech.(Gunther, 1991) However there is no such absolute rulemandated by the constitution, according to the Supreme Court.(Gunther, 1991). Leaving the question of whether a broadcast of patently offensive wordsdealing with sex and excretion may be regulated because of its content. Thefact that society may find speech offensive is not a sufficient reason forsuppressing it.(Gunther, 1991) The Supreme Court deemed that Carlinswords offend for the same reasons that obscenity offends. They also statethese words, even though they had no literary meaning or value, werestill protected by the first amendment.(Gunther, 1991) So, what does this mean to the American public? This decision gave ourgovernment the power to regulate, whereas it did not before. Broadcasting, outof all forms of communication, has received the most limited protection of thefirst amendment. There are two main reasons why. First, the broadcastmedia have established a uniquely pervasive presence in the lives of allAmericans.(Gunther, 1991) Airwaves not only confront the public but alsothe individual citizen. They can come into our homes uninvited or, you neve rknow what to expect when they are invited in. In this case the Court decided,because the broadcast audience is

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Biography of Noynoy Aquino free essay sample

Biography of Noynoy Aquino Benigno Simeon Noynoy Cojuangco Aquino III (born February 8, 1960) is a Senator of the Philippines and a candidate for President of the Philippines in the 2010 election, as the standard-bearer of the Liberal Party. He is the only son of former President Corazon Aquino and former  Senator Benigno Aquino, Jr. We will write a custom essay sample on Biography of Noynoy Aquino or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A graduate of Ateneo de Manila University, he was seriously wounded by rebel soldiers in a failed coup attempt during his mothers presidency. In 1989, he was elected to the House of Representatives as Representative of the 2nd district of Tarlac province in the 11th Congress of the Philippines. In 2007, he was elected to the Senate of the 14th Congress of the Philippines. He is also the brother of TV host and actress Kris Aquino. Early life and education Benigno Simeon Noynoy Cojuangco Aquino III was born on February 8, 1960. He is the third of the of five children of Benigno Aquino, Jr. , who was then Vice Governor of Tarlac province, and Corazon Aquino. He has three sisters, Maria Elena (Ballsy), Aurora Corazon (Pinky), Victoria Eliza (Viel), and Kristina Bernadette (Kris). Aquino studied in Ateneo de Manila University for his elementary, high school, and college education, graduating in 1981 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics. After college, he joined his family in Boston in exile. In 1983, shortly after the murder of his father,  Noynoy  had a short tenure as a member of the Philippine Business for Social Progress. From 1985 to 1986, he was retail sales supervisor and youth promotions assistant for Nike Philippines and later an assistant for advertising and promotion for Mondragon Philippines. In 1986, he joined Intra-Strata Assurance Corp. as vice-president of the family-owned corporation. On August 28, 1987, eighteen months into the presidency of Aquinos mother, rebel soldiers led by Gregorio Honasan staged an unsuccessful coup attempt, attempting to siege Malacanang Palace. Aquino  was two blocks from the palace when he came under fire. Three of his four security escorts were killed, and the last was wounded protecting him. Aquino himself was hit by five bullets, one of which is still embedded in his neck. From 1986 to 1993, Aquino was vice president and treasurer for Best Security Agency Corporation, a firm owned by his uncle Antolin Oreta. He went to work for the Central Azucarera de Tarlac in 1993, the sugar refinery owned by the Cojuangco clan. He started out as an executive assistant for administration, before becoming field services manager in 1996. [citation needed] Political life Aquino is a leading member of the Liberal Party. He currently holds the position of Vice Chairman of the Liberal Party, having assumed the post on 17 March 2006. He was previously Secretary General of the party (1999-2002), Vice-President of the Luzon Liberal Party (2002-2004), and Secretary General of the party (2004-16 March 2006). Aquino is associated with a faction of the Liberal Party which opposes the government of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, citing alleged human rights violations. House of Representatives Aquino  was elected to the House of Representatives in 1998, representing the 2nd District of Tarlac. He won re-election in 2001 and 2004, and served until 2007. Aquino served on numerous committees as a member of Congress: the Public Order and Security, Transportation and Communications, Agriculture, Banks amp;and Financial Intermediaries, Peoples’ Participation, Suffrage and Electoral Reforms, Appropriations, Natural Resources, and Trade and Industry committees (11th Congress), the Civil, Political and Human Rights, Good Government, Public Order and Security, Inter-Parliamentary Relations and Diplomacy committees (12th Congress), and the Banks and Financial Intermediaries, Energy, Export Promotion, Public Order and Safety committees (13th Congress). Aquino was also Deputy Speaker from November 8, 2004 to February 21, 2006. Senate Barred by term limits from seeking a fourth term as the Representative for the second district of Tarlac province, Aquino was elected to the Senate in the May 14, 2007 midterm elections under the banner of the Genuine Opposition (GO), a coalition comprising a number of parties, including his own Liberal Party, seeking to curb attempts by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo to amend the Constitution. In his political ads, he was endorsed by younger sister, TV host Kris Aquino, and mother, the late former President Corazon Aquino. Although a devout Roman Catholic, he was endorsed by one of the largest Protestant churches in the Philippines, the Jesus is Lord. With more than 14. 3 million votes, Aquinos tally was the sixth highest of the 37 candidates for the 12 vacant seats elected from the nation at large. He assumed his new office on June 30, 2007. During the campaign, Aquino reached out to his former enemy, Senator Gregorio Honasan, supporting his application for bail. I endorse Honasans request for bail para parehas ang laban. I was hit by bullets from Honasans men in the neck and hips but thats past now. The principle of my father was, Respect the rights even of your enemies. Ito ang nagpatingkad ng demokrasya. Genuine reconciliation is democracy in action, Aquino told Job Tabada of Cebu Daily News on 5 March 2007. He was referring to two bloody coup attempts against his mother in 1987 and 1989, in the first of which Aquino was seriously injured. 2010 presidential campaign In the Liberal Party, Aquino has held various positions such as Secretary General and Vice President for Luzon. He is currently the LP Vice-Chairman. After the death of President Corazon Aquino, calls for him to run for higher office reached its highest and he has decided after the retreat that he would run as a candidate for the Presidency in the 2010 National Elections. A group of lawyers and activists formed the NAPM — the Noynoy Aquino for President Movement — and a nationwide campaign led by the son of the late influential businessman, Chino Roces, began to collect a million signatures in order to persuade Aquino to run for President. In the last weekend of August, Senator Aquino and his fellow partymate in the Liberal Party, Senator Mar Roxas and an unnamed presidential aspirant commenced days of talks to decide what to do for next years elections. On September 1, 2009, in a press conference at the Club Filipino in Greenhills, San Juan City, Senator Roxas, a leading candidate for the Liberal Party nomination announced his withdrawal in the presidential race and expressed his support for Aquinos candidacy. Sen. Aquino later stood side by side Sen. Roxas, but did not make a public statement on the said press conference. On September 9, 2009, 40 days after the death of his mother, Aquino officially announced his bid for the Presidency in a press conference at the Club Filipino in Greenhills, San Juan City, which also served as the site of his mothers Presidential Inauguration in February 1986. Criticism While Aquino currently enjoys considerable support, those who stand to lose from his victory in the presidential race claim that this can only be attributed to both his parents successes and not his own. However, months after the death of his mother, his popularity remains strong and analysts say that his lead is a sure sign of victory, unless he is cheated or blunders heavily. In 11 years in government, critics have said that Aquino has not made any significant contributions to legislation. But various documents have been released showing that he has accomplished much in his three years in the Senate. On a similar note,  Noynoys detractors have also pointed out that, at almost 50 years old he has neither a wife nor any children . Aquino had lived with his mother, the former president, until her death, and has said if he becomes president, he would choose to live in his modest ancestral home than in the presidential palace. Another issue is  Noynoys stake in his familys 7,500 hectare estate, Hacienda Luisita. His mother, the former president Corazon Aquino, was also criticized on these grounds, especially in failing to push for land redistribution reforms given their alleged conflict of interest. But the stock distribution option was ratified three times by a referanda by the farmer beneficiaries. In 2004, a clash with government troops and farms led to the massacre of 12 picketing farmers and 2 children and the injury of hundreds of other protesters. Aquinos side of the family, which owns a miniscule percentage, have met to deliberate how to turn over the land to farmers fairly while giving the farmers job security at such a timeframe that the farmers will not absorb the lands many debts. Personal life Aquino is a shooting and billiards enthusiast[14] He is also an audiophile, and enjoys listening to jazz, bossa nova, and OPM (Original Pilipino Music). One of Noynoys favorite Filipino artists is singer/composer Noel Cabangon. REFERENCE- http://www. noynoy-aquino. com/about. htm

Sunday, November 24, 2019

A.T. Kearney Sales Management Essays

A.T. Kearney Sales Management Essays A.T. Kearney Sales Management Essay A.T. Kearney Sales Management Essay A. T Kearney and the new â€Å"defining entity† Background: â€Å"No longer is IT just another tool the CEO might use to accomplish costs saving and operational ends. Today, information technology can help solve product problems, set new levels of service and create new distribution and communication channels. † Founded in 1926, A. T. Kearney had evolved into one the world’s dominant management consulting practices. Its approach was to develop realistic solutions and help clients implement recommendations that generated tangible results and improved competitive advantage. The mix of strategy and operations had differentiated A. T. Kearney from its competitor’s and driven the firm’s outstanding results. A. T. Kearney had doubled its size every three years since 1983 and was recently listed in Consultants news as one of the five fastest-growing consulting firms in the world. EDS started in 1962 with Ross Perrot and $1000 dollar investment. It helped customers use information and technology to recast their economics and to identify and seize new opportunities. Considered by many to be the inventor of â€Å"outsourcing,† EDS had established itself as a world leader in information technology services. EDS defined its business as â€Å"shaping how information is created distributed, shared, enjoyed, and applied for the benefit of businesses, governments, and individuals around the world. † Its service offering included four different types of products: Systems Development, Systems Integration, Systems Management, and process management. EDS later entered the management consulting industry as part of a strategy to offer business solutions rather than simply IT solutions to its customers. EDS eventually formalized its efforts of management consulting by creating MCS which leveraged its tradition and strengths, MCS brought a new dimension to EDS. Over a short two-year period, EDS had built MCS into an organization of 1,300 people, with 30 offices in 20 countries. Competition for both firms revolved around the big six classic IT firms who were enjoying annual growth rates in excess for 15 percent as IT became increasingly strategic in nature and instrumental for reengineering. Operation and Strategic Firms, who were best known for their strategic expertise, were broadening their service fferings as they moved aggressively downstream into operations consulting. Systems Integrators and Systems Vendors had moved to more traditional management consulting markets and new information technology entrants that spotted the opportunity to consolidate client relationship by selling â€Å"upstream† consulting services on top of their core outsourcing and system integration s kills. Because of intense competition and extensive opportunities, EDS acquisitioned A. T. Kearney Ltd. in order to provide is a full service company. Despite amazing growth in the first year, the â€Å"new entity† had problems in leveraging the two companies, and jumping on these new attractive opportunities. However, the acquisition also raised many issues. Among these was the issue of how to leverage the merger in terms of providing strategic consulting and information systems solutions to clients. There’s also the issue about the ability of these two very different organizations, with different skill sets and cultures, to work together in blending their services into a broad, seamless continuum. Should the two firm’s cross-sell each others services? Should A. T. Kearney call on existing ED’s clients and vice-versa? Should the two firms work together to secure new clients? Sales management issues arising from this decision. For example, if cross-selling is to be encouraged, what incentive scheme might be appropriate? Strengths: * Successful merger between EDS and A. T. Kearney * World leader in Information Technology services * Offer services from systems development to Consulting services * Companies are very well known world-wide * Well positioned in the market place * Unparalleled spectrum of capabilities to clients Steady growth * â€Å"One Stop Shop† * Broad Range of services * Well matched for both A. T. Kearney and MCS. * Strong goals of growth, globalization, and leadership. Weaknesses * Leveraging and combining each other’s strengths in the marketplace * Merging of two entirely different cultures * Fear that A. T. Kearney would be viewed as the front end for EDS * Merge not working out among employee s * May be difficult to attract and retain good people * Consulting vs. Systems * Un-established environment where the two companies could remain apart, but at the same time work together. Sales and account management Opportunities: * Draw on the strengths of both organizations and develop entirely new products. * Full service firm * Technology being integrated into business strategy * A lot of growth potential * Technological Investments will increase * Substantial cross-marketing opportunities * Host events where employees from both organizations attend Threats: * Competitors becoming full service * Political and legal policies affecting the merge * Competition from other firms * The â€Å"Big Six† – Classic IT firms * Operational and Strategic Firms Systems Integrators and system vendors * New information technology entrants Recommendations: Cross-Selling will be strongly encouraged in the company by giving incentives to the sales teams of both companies. In additio n, the company should train a middleman between the two services. Train employees in cross-selling techniques. The approach must be built around serving the customer, not just selling more stuff. For example, you might describe how the additional products or services would complement the original purchase and further solve the customer’s problem. Be on the same payroll, their pay depends on the other company. Basically, there should be consultants from A. T. Kearney, who are involved in the creation of the IT programs from EDS. The two firms should work together to secure new clients. Essentially, whether the client from A. T. Kearney or EDS. A. T. Kearney will encourage the client to buy the software and services from EDS or EDS can ask the client use A. T. Kearney consulting services or they can also make it a package deal. In order to do so there’s a need to establish consistent forms of communication  with various layers of management. Setting up a communication program that includes a comprehensive list of employee groups within the purchasing and selling organizations; a very specific timetable for addressing each group; tools and forums to be used in communicating to each group; and deadlines for developing content and producing material, along with the individuals charged with accomplishing these tasks. There should be clear communications to  all  employees,  the expectations for working in the post-transaction environment. They should, therefore, hear the same message from management so that all employees are singing from the same prayer book.    Ideally, members of a companys executive team should initially address all employees directly. On a follow-up basis, however, managers should be reinforcing the big picture painted by senior officials while focusing on specific actions expected of employees under their supervision. To ensure these follow-up communications are consistent in their message and reflect top managements expectations for employee action, a company-wide communication plan should be in place. Overall controls on the type and content of the communications could range from providing managers with content outlines and/or key talking points, to centralized development of the presentation material itself. Listen to the views and concerns of all employees  regarding work in the new environment. Overall, the newly formed company must work hard at finding a blend of corporate practices and procedures from operations, sales and R;D to finance, management systems and the use of capital and human resources that best suits its planned goals and objectives. Reason for Recommendation: If two firms were to create a new environment that can work for both organizations by communicating, it will provide both firms with optimum advantage. Benefits from the blend will include: keeping as many clients as possible, getting some more and most importantly, have a good and efficient organization, not just to the eyes of the clients, but also to the new inner structure that the company will have. The entity can host event for the employees to get to know each other this way EDS employees can refer clients to a specific A. T. Kearney consultant or perhaps have both work together, even introduce the A. T. Kearney consultant to the client and visa-versa. In order to encourage this, the company can provide incentives for cross-selling, or they can. For the vendor, the benefits are also substantial. The most obvious example is an increase in revenue. There are also efficiency benefits in servicing one account rather than several. Most importantly, vendors that sell more services to a client are less likely to be displaced by a competitor. The more a client buys from a vendor, the higher the switching cost

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Carbon Tax. A&B Carboniferous Australian Company Essay

Carbon Tax. A&B Carboniferous Australian Company - Essay Example The campaign has a sole goal of letting the citizen embrace this newly introduced taxation in totality. There has been a lot of misinformation that has cropped up in response to the government’s attempt to implement this new taxation plan, the reason why this company is out to let the citizens understand pure intention of the government. This is where the importance of this company arises in view of creating an Integrated Market Communication (IMC) Plan. In real sense, Australian government is in a need to let the general public to understand gains entailed in the implementation of this new tax on carbon. In addition, there is a genuine cost that comes along in it, which is something that the government wishes the public to understand. Carbon dioxide is a gas that is released in our environment in various ways some of which include a natural way by plants in a definite carbon cycle. The other one is through our own activities which include burning of bushes, as well as smoke a nd soot arising from industries that individuals have established. As Kondrat’ev et al. (2003) observed and noted in their book, climate warming across the globe is as a result of growing carbon dioxide concentration. The reason behind this is endless emissions of fossil fuel burning in the atmosphere which ultimately contain adverse effects on human kind. So many scholars and researchers have come up in an attempt to estimate social cost of carbon. For instance, Bell (2011) has done a deep research and seen how recent technology is capable of reducing dangerous effects of carbon on human beings all over the world. She saw how different scholars have come up with integrated assessment models in their attempt to bring together knowledge in different disciplines just to show whether climate change policies bear any efficacy. This is the sole reason why my company is also out to let introduction of carbon tax in Australia, to inform the general public of its importance. Target A udience Segment Analysis In Australia, there are so many individuals that are targeted in order to let the information about carbon taxation circulate. For instance, it is a matter of fact that the entire people of great political diversity and different social backgrounds and understanding. In this case, carbon taxation is applicable to those citizens that are employed in various sectors by the government. In addition, individuals that are also employed by different nongovernmental organizations are also a target to this new taxation. The government will is not to hesitate in letting all the above targeted audience out in any way. There are still so many people that are neither employed by the government nor nongovernmental institutions. Most of them are self employed running their errands individually to earn a living. For instance, there are so many individuals who run their own business enterprises. This may be a small business enterprises (SMEs) or even bigger ones of which the y may be having many employees to run and manage this. Such like group is a good target and because introducing this new carbon taxation ultimately results in what is benefiting them, they should be able to embrace it with in totality. These are the business people that will for sure make the taxation a success in the long run. Using an approach related to integrated communication is significant and more as relevant to a desired audience as Shahaf (2009), Integrated Marketing Communication plan is still essential in ensuring that everybody who earns a salary, be it from the government or through individual means are reached out.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The effects of work related stress and working in a call centre, Dissertation

The effects of work related stress and working in a call centre, stressfull or not - Dissertation Example According to the HSE, a total a total of 12.8 million working days were lost to stress in 2004-2005, while the CIPD annual absence management survey for both 2005 and 2006 revealed that stress was one of the primary reasons for long term absence for non manual employee (CIPD, 2010). The term â€Å"stress† has now crept into common parlance and is widely used both in personal and professional life. However, the term has many definitions and in a generic sense can be used to cover a wide variety of different situations. For the purposes of this study, stress will be defined as â€Å"the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressure or other types of demands placed on them† â€Å"stress can be caused by things at work or outside work, or both† (HSE, n.d) Even within this definition it is important to accept that stress is not an illness in itself but a condition which, left unchecked, can contribute to a whole host of health problems: â€Å"Between fifty and s eventy per cent of all illnesses are linked to stress response† (Corbin, Lindsay, & Welk, 2000, p. 15). ... several challenging targets as part of a long term strategy: In Securing Health Together, they aim by 2010, to: reduce the incidence of work-related ill health by 20 per cent reduce ill health to members of the public, caused by work activity by 20 per cent reduce the number of working days lost due to work related ill health by 30 per cent The rise in the condition has also prompted national legislation and regulation. Changes in the Disability Discrimination Act in December 2005, means that mental impairment no longer needs to be â€Å"clinically well recognised† to potentially be classified as disability (CIPD, 2010) The significance of which, is that it is now easier for employees to bring disability cases and discrimination claims involving stress and depression. The potential risk to employers is therefore high, and expected to become even more substantial as future EU legislation is likely to put more responsibility on employers for the health of their workforce. The co st of litigation, should an employee decide to sue is substantial. John Walker, a social worker at Northumberland Country Council, was the first British employee to prove that working conditions caused his stress related breakdown. As a result The High Court ruled in 1996 that Northumberland County Council had failed to reduce his workload and awarded Walker with compensation of ?175,000 (WorkstressNet, n.d.). In 2004, 6,428 stress claims were made costing British employers ?321 million (BusinessHR, 2004). Within the financial Services sector there have been two high profile cases, one involving Commetzbank, in 2004, and the other Deutsche Bank, in 2006. As a result of these cases both these organisations took steps to strengthen their stress management strategies. Alongside the regulatory

Monday, November 18, 2019

Strategic Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words - 2

Strategic Management - Essay Example One of such theoretical concerns of contemporary strategic management can be identified as the Blue Ocean Strategy. This particular managerial concept is often regarded as one of the imperative concepts or models in the study of strategic management that particularly emphasises upon certain major aspects which can ultimately benefit different organisations in terms of earning greater profits along with forming superior business advancements (Mathys, 2008). In this paper, the definition of the concept, i.e. Blue Ocean Strategy and its history of evolution in the contemporary era will be taken into concern. Moreover, the relevance of the concept concerning today’s business challenges will also be discussed in this paper. The notion of Blue Ocean Strategy is fundamentally defined as an effective managerial decision making framework that constitutes different business organisations with the intention of enhancing their profitability and accomplishing superior competitive position over its chief business market competitors. This particular concept emphasises upon several important factors that encompass generating uncontested space for business exposure, avoiding fierce competition through dominance or with the creation of immaterial competitive environment, capturing as well as creating new demands and targeting new customers rather than solely focusing on the existing ones (Layton, 2009). It has been apparently observed in this regard that contemporary organisations have been experiencing extreme market competitions and have been seeking greater competencies towards maintaining sustainable growth along with attaining a superior competitive position. In this similar context, the organisations desire to employ the Blue Ocean Strategy with the motive of satisfying their expected business targets. Contextually, one of the imperative aspects considered in this

Friday, November 15, 2019

Traditions and Beliefs of Indigenous People on Death

Traditions and Beliefs of Indigenous People on Death Traditions and Beliefs of Indigenous People on Death and Dying Table of Contents (Jump to) Traditional Beliefs in Present Times Customary societies have survived AND advanced. Objectives The Circle of Life Life: Dying After the Funeral Fire Health services Communication Causes of disease Implications for palliative care PALLIATIVE CARE NURSES Conclusion: Nursing Care in a Palliative Setting. References Traditional Beliefs in Present Times Customary Beliefs in Present Times Customary convictions have survived Composed methods for religion Lifestyle Christianity is the overwhelming religion in numerous groups Minister Intermarriage Willful transformations May have a few beliefs or ideologies spoke to Parts of conventional convictions may be kept up while regarding Christian ways. (Boland, Foulds, Ahmedzai Pockley, 2012) Customary societies have survived AND advanced. Survival is a fitting term subsequent to intense Blend of chapel, state and financial matters Dispossession of grounds and convictions Differing qualities: no single Local society (Burke, 2010) Objectives Discuss customary convictions about the ways furthermore, significance of death and biting the dust. Discuss how present day medication can look into comprehend, regard and suit these Traditional convictions The Circle of Life So as to comprehend demise, first must grasp the circle of life. Four stages in the excursion of the human soul: (a) Conception (b) Life (c) Demise (Campbell, 2013) Life: We are soul having a human experience We are made out of three awesome parts Soul Mind Body As it conceived our soul leaves the Creator and Soul world Dying At the point when passing on, a customary individual will require the functions, prescription and petitions to God that will manage his/her soul back to the soul world. Otherworldly pioneer or prescription individual near to the Passing on individual will direct the services Family and tribe individuals will be available Drug in this setting means profound force .A blend of capacity and power – connected .To a capacity to prompt. (Campbell, 2013) After the Funeral Basic for close relatives to hold a 24 Hour precursor fire on the cherished ones birthday To pay tribute to his/her memory Helps relatives, particularly kids, to comprehend they are the latest in a long line of progenitors driving back to the start of time at the point when the Creator put the first man and lady on earth .Demise Feast dependably goes hand in hand with this progenitor Fire Haudenosaunee Creation Story gives more profound experiences into the start of life, the first individuals and all parts of creation. Characterizes relationship between all life on Mother Earth to the spirits in the sky and the creatures in the Sky World. Awesome widespread challenge between the upper world of consideration and lower universe of disorder .People need to arrange between these circles in life and passing patients and families toward the end of life is mindful so as not to sum up. (Downing, Boucher Marston, 2012) Overabundance passing’s among Indigenous individuals are because of circulatory ailments, harm, harming, respiratory conditions and diabetes.6 In conventional times, unforeseen demise may ordinarily have been ascribed to witchcraft; in current times this understanding stays dormant, however, there is a more noteworthy propensity at fault awful eating routine, and harming by contaminations, for example, insect poisons tainting grass and water. (Gardiner, Ingleton Gott, 2012) Health services But where there are settled Indigenous medicinal administrations, social insurance offices of numerous kinds are utilized reluctantly. Significant conditions, for example, disease regularly come to restorative consideration just late throughout the ailment. As of not long ago, open healing center, convenience was isolated, and human services administrations were very deficient, especially given the checked social imbalance and the related weakness status of Indigenous individuals. (Gould, 2002) Communication It might be viewed as rude or hostile to take a gander at an Indigenous individual. Wellbeing choices have a tendency to be a family or group undertaking. Family structure is unpredictable and represented by perceived commitments and social guidelines. It might be viewed as more fitting to converse with people other than the patient when examining that quiets circumstance. In a few groups as it is unthinkable for a child in-law to converse with his relative. (Shimoinaba, OConnor Lee, 2010) Causes of disease Sickness in Indigenous groups is regularly seen as stemming, partially, from introduction to magical powers, estrangement from the country (maybe the consequence of constrained uprooting) or some individual insufficiency (egg, a stately obligation ignored, or an inability to take after a standard principle of conduct). An attribution of accusing may take after, and the maxim of sorry by persons thought, mindful will be viewed as essential; fizzling that reaction, a payback punishment may be looked for, conceivably including physical discipline. (Whitehead, 1998) Implications for palliative care 1. Diverse elucidations of analysis and reason may make doubt in the middle of staff and patients. Medicines coordinated at moderating side effects, even extreme torment, may be seen as meddling in a fundamental methodology coming about because of a socially decided disorder. A socially safe way to deal with torment administration is called for. (Whitehead, 1998) 2. In trying to uncover the circumstances and reason for a passing, it might be reasoned that a career has been ensnared. He or she may confront Indigenous equity, which could mean anything from a short expulsion from the group to a skewering. The utilization of infusions by a career or wellbeing laborer may raise suspicion of harming. PALLIATIVE CARE NURSES Palliative care, the latest range of specialization, is characterized by the Last Acts Task Force (1999) as the far reaching administration of the physical, mental, social, profound, and existential needs of patients, especially those with hopeless, dynamic disease. The objective of palliative consideration is to help them to attain the best conceivable personal satisfaction through alleviation of torment, control of indications, and rebuilding of practical limit, while staying delicate to individual, social and religious values, accepts and hones. (Woodman, Baillie Sivell, 2015) The consideration that both hospice and palliative consideration medical attendants give is basically the same as exhibited by the Hospice and Palliative Nurses Role Delineation Study. Then again, hospice and palliative consideration attendant’s variant in their arrangement and practice settings. Hospice and palliative consideration attendants work as a team with other welfare supplier in the setting of an interdisciplinary group. Made out of very qualified, uniquely prepared experts and volunteers, the group mixes their qualities together to foresee and address the issues of the patient and family confronting terminal sickness and deprivation. (Yannakakis, 2013) Nursing Care in a Palliative Setting. The hospice development has developed in the United States in the course of recent years. The center of hospice consideration is in complete physical, psychosocial, enthusiastic, and profound consideration to critically ill persons and their families. Hospice suppliers advance personal satisfaction by shielding patients from troublesome mediations and giving consideration at home, at whatever point potentially, rather than the healing facility. Hospice medical caretakers give mind basically under the rules of the Medicare Benefit Act of 1983, a government program that permits patients to bite the dust in their homes with their families and companions next to them. Palliative care, the latest range of specialization, is characterized by the Last Acts Task Force (1999) as the far reaching administration of the physical, mental, social, profound, and existential needs of patients, especially those with hopeless, dynamic disease. The objective of palliative consideration is to help them to attain the best conceivable personal satisfaction through alleviation of torment, control of indications, and rebuilding of practical limit, while staying delicate to individual, social and religious values, accepts and hones. (Yannakakis, 2013) Conclusion: Despite the different misfortunes and hardships continued by Indigenous Australians, a noteworthy versatility and a pride in their surviving society is clear in numerous spots, and non-Indigenous Australians have slowly been directed to a more prominent admiration and esteem for the individuals themselves progenitors totally wrecked. Appreciation is a word that passes on numerous parts of the proper way to deal with health awareness and palliative administer to Indigenous Australians: regard for the frightful history of relocation, dispossession and roughness that portrayed white–black relations over eras; regard for distinctive implications of family; regard for the suspicion and distress usually felt by Indigenous individuals needed to enter significant medicinal services foundations, and the requirement for Indigenous possession, administration and staffing of more adequate social insurance offices; and admiration for the need to take a seat with patients and relatives, suf ficiently giving time and space to hear how needs are communicated and to bring family-based choices into expert drove consideration arranges. References Boland, J., Foulds, G., Ahmedzai, S., Pockley, G. (2012). Effects of opioids on cellular immunity: implications for palliative care. BMJ Supportive Palliative Care, 2(Suppl_1), A3-A4. doi:10.1136/bmjspcare-2012-000196.9 Burke, B. (2010). Cooperatives for Fair Globalization? Indigenous People, Cooperatives, and Corporate Social Responsibility in the Brazilian Amazon. Latin American Perspectives, 37(6), 30-52. doi:10.1177/009458210382098 Campbell, C. (2013). Advanced Prostate Cancer Survivors: Implications for Palliative Care. Journal Of Palliative Care Medicine, 01(S3). doi:10.4172/2165-7386.s3-003 Campbell, C. (2013). Advanced Prostate Cancer Survivors: Implications for Palliative Care. Journal Of Palliative Care Medicine, 01(S3). doi:10.4172/2165-7386.s3-006 Downing, J., Boucher, S., Marston, J. (2012). Doctors and nurses training needs for childrens palliative care. BMJ Supportive Palliative Care, 2(Suppl_1), A36-A37. doi:10.1136/bmjspcare-2012-000196.106 Gardiner, C., Ingleton, C., Gott, M. (2012). A systematic review exploring factors supporting partnership working between generalist and specialist palliative care services: implications for older people. BMJ Supportive Palliative Care, 2(Suppl_1), A40-A41. doi:10.1136/bmjspcare-2012-000196.118 Gould, L. (2002). Indigenous people policing indigenous people: the potential psychological and cultural costs. The Social Science Journal, 39(2), 171-188. doi:10.1016/s0362-3319(02)00161-1 Shimoinaba, K., OConnor, M., Lee, S. (2010). Japanese head nurses perspectives regarding issues of nurses working in palliative care units and current support systems. Progress In Palliative Care, 18(6), 358-363. doi:10.1179/1743291x10y.0000000008 Whitehead, N. (1998). The Indigenous People of the Caribbean:The Indigenous People of the Caribbean. American Anthropologist, 100(4), 1046-1047. doi:10.1525/aa.1998.100.4.1046 Whitehead, N. (1998). The Indigenous People of the Caribbean:The Indigenous People of the Caribbean. American Anthropologist, 100(4), 1046-1047. doi:10.1525/aa.1998.100.4.1046 Woodman, C., Baillie, J., Sivell, S. (2015). RELATIVES PREFERRED PLACE OF CARE AT THE END-OF-LIFE: IMPLICATIONS FOR PALLIATIVE CARE IN THE FUTURE. BMJ Supportive Palliative Care, 5(1), 116-117. doi:10.1136/bmjspcare-2014-000838.38 Yannakakis, Y. (2013). Indigenous People and Legal Culture in Spanish America. History Compass, 11(11), 931-947. doi:10.1111/hic3.12096

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

A Plan for the Resolution of the Argentine Debt Crisis Essay -- Essays

A Plan for the Resolution of the Argentine Debt Crisis INTRODUCTION: Over the past five years Argentina has suffered from one of the worst economic crises of its history. Mired by currency devaluation, diminished business confidence, contracting GDP, and a large current accounts deficit, the Argentine economy is, at very best, weak. Of its problems, Argentina’s international debt is of greatest concern. Servicing the debt has created a large financial burden for the Argentine government limiting the steps it has been able to take to stimulate economic growth. Since temporarily stopping payment on US$132 billion of debt in 2001 , Argentina has experienced some economic expansion, but this growth has come with large costs. Foreign banks’ condemnation of the default has made Argentina a pariah in the international investment community. Meanwhile, the interest on the outstanding loans is compounding at an astronomical rate increasing Argentina’s debt burden significantly. Unfortunately for Argentina, encouraging international investment and reducing its debt are both essential for a sustained economic recovery. These goals will not be achieved through default, even if it is temporary, as banks are the self-imposed moral authorities on debt and investment and are likely to make Argentina pay a high price. Instead, Argentina must cleverly implement debt reduction mechanisms involving third-party purchase of its discounted debt. It will be the primary responsibility of Argentina’s newly elected president, Mr. Kirchner, and his administration, to stimulate the country’s feeble economy by reducing the public debt. Downsizing its debt will help Argentina to reestablish itself as a creditworthy nation and spur economic... ... and Business, . â€Å"How the debt should be canceled,† Debt & Development Coalition: Ireland, . Krueger, Anne O., â€Å"Crisis Prevention and Resolution: Lessons from Argentina,† International Monetary Fund, 17 July 2002, . MERCOSUR, 6 March 2003, . Moye, Melissa, â€Å"Overview of Debt Conversion,† London: Debt Relief International Ltd., 2001. Powell, James E., â€Å"Time Value of Money,† 1 June 2002, . Rhoter, Larry, â€Å"Argentina Struggles to Meet Debt-Relief Terms.† New York Times, 11 February 2003, . A Plan for the Resolution of the Argentine Debt Crisis Essay -- Essays A Plan for the Resolution of the Argentine Debt Crisis INTRODUCTION: Over the past five years Argentina has suffered from one of the worst economic crises of its history. Mired by currency devaluation, diminished business confidence, contracting GDP, and a large current accounts deficit, the Argentine economy is, at very best, weak. Of its problems, Argentina’s international debt is of greatest concern. Servicing the debt has created a large financial burden for the Argentine government limiting the steps it has been able to take to stimulate economic growth. Since temporarily stopping payment on US$132 billion of debt in 2001 , Argentina has experienced some economic expansion, but this growth has come with large costs. Foreign banks’ condemnation of the default has made Argentina a pariah in the international investment community. Meanwhile, the interest on the outstanding loans is compounding at an astronomical rate increasing Argentina’s debt burden significantly. Unfortunately for Argentina, encouraging international investment and reducing its debt are both essential for a sustained economic recovery. These goals will not be achieved through default, even if it is temporary, as banks are the self-imposed moral authorities on debt and investment and are likely to make Argentina pay a high price. Instead, Argentina must cleverly implement debt reduction mechanisms involving third-party purchase of its discounted debt. It will be the primary responsibility of Argentina’s newly elected president, Mr. Kirchner, and his administration, to stimulate the country’s feeble economy by reducing the public debt. Downsizing its debt will help Argentina to reestablish itself as a creditworthy nation and spur economic... ... and Business, . â€Å"How the debt should be canceled,† Debt & Development Coalition: Ireland, . Krueger, Anne O., â€Å"Crisis Prevention and Resolution: Lessons from Argentina,† International Monetary Fund, 17 July 2002, . MERCOSUR, 6 March 2003, . Moye, Melissa, â€Å"Overview of Debt Conversion,† London: Debt Relief International Ltd., 2001. Powell, James E., â€Å"Time Value of Money,† 1 June 2002, . Rhoter, Larry, â€Å"Argentina Struggles to Meet Debt-Relief Terms.† New York Times, 11 February 2003, .